
I am a scientist, a mom and an aspiring writer. I am from Calcutta, and though I now live in San Francisco, I spent a big part of my life in Edinburgh, Scotland where I left my heart. Thanks for visiting!

Motherhood and Rasmalai

“Culture is information and behavior that flows socially and can be learned, retained, and shared” Becoming Wild How Animal Cultures Raise Families, Create Beauty, and Achieve Peace.Carl Safina “Culture is information and behavior that flows socially and can be learned, retained, and shared” Becoming Wild: How Animal Cultures Raise Families, Create Beauty, and Achieve Peace. By Carl Safina I grew…


September 25, 2016 LIKE REPELS LIKE He was bored. It was his study hour. His father had locked him in the library, till he could say that he had finished his homework. He stared out of the window for a while, but soon grew bored with that. He stared around at the high walls covered…


Jan 20, 2020 Once upon a time, on a bright and cold San Francisco morning, I sat near the Sue Bierman park, across from the Ferry Building. It was a week-day and the park was nearly empty. There was only one weary but determined mother standing near the swings. She had one unimpressed toddler perched…


1st Jan 2020 I have always risen very early in the morning. I love all the hours when “Most Normal People” are asleep. Leaving the world to darkness and to me. The crows are in conference. Occasionally another bird tries to intervene. Sometimes a taxi rumbles by, you can hear the rattling of its parts…


March 26, 2018 “After you leave home for the first time, there is no going back” How much are we composed of the spaces we that we live our lives in, and how much are the spaces around us defined by us? Are our souls, as well as our habits, defined by the spaces we…